Simply the Thoughts

Thoughts convert to Speech and Action slowly... SAI RAM

Thursday, September 14, 2017

NGDCs.. Gloskrutham Story .. Subtler than the Subtlest Forces .. 😲 ..

[14/09] Gloskrutham Jayakrishnan:

 NGDCs .. A Gloskrutham Story .. Subtle Forces / Powers that need not be visible like the Homeopathic Iteration Tech ..

Bellram thought hard .. What could be the reason his right hand got attacked by Black Magician creating a kind of some Tennise Elbow kind of problem .. Of course there are analogies from texts like Aithihya Mala saying about dancing of Lakshmi Devi on the Right Shoulder etc etc .. 

But Bellram been concerned, what could be the reason / matter .. So he went for an FRNGS Model , Gloskrutham test .. and that test suggested some secret problems in the Ashtama category perhaps with some loyalty issues too .. 

Normally some kind of practice of Discipline with borders and boundaries of 4th house is said to help in giving benefits from 8th house success secrets in Gloskrutham Analogy .. 

So Bellram started a special disciplined worship of Narcis .. 

Then Lo on behold, Bellram started checking his diary to check his past few months' minutes / history, details and found that, Lakshmi Devi's attack started from April, when he started writing diary illegitimately (without being able to read again .. not even by himself) .. As a kind of research experimentation  with Ganeshopasana using a kind of Uncertainty technique of higher personal quality with a kind of conversion of hell into heaven thought technology .. But that seemed to have acted contrary with a kind of heaven getting converted to a kind of hell act,  with the disrespect that was shown to "Akshara Brahman" too perhaps / probably by writing the letters illegitimately ..

Identifying such an issue Bellram started writing his diary more legitimately from July end onwards ..

 It was an interesting observation that , from August onwards the pain in Bellram's right hand started receeding .. 

Its not completely cured, but with the legitimate writing of letters in diary it seemed to have been a kind conversion of hell into heaven act that might have got initiated with some Half - Cures probably by worshipping the "Akshara Brahman" ,  maybe also with the blessings of the Lord and Master of the Universe who can even be Subtler than the Subtlest and Higher than the Highest too (AnoRaneeyan and MahathoMaheeyan) perhaps .. 

When Bellram realized about such a probable Subtler than Subtlest force even in Akshara Brahman, he started praising the God further ..


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