Simply the Thoughts

Thoughts convert to Speech and Action slowly... SAI RAM

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Gloskrutham Story "Ulta Pulta" that was written way back in September 2017 ..

 Gloskrutham Story .. Ulta Pulta ..

 (This story was written way back in September 2017  .. I am publishing it now so that the plot of the sequentials can be referred to, better, now .. I sent this story to be published in an online magazine back then in September 2017.. But apparantly since there are no replies from them regarding the publication of this story i am putting this up here for internet publishing .. The story caption got selected with a Gloskrutham Drawing Art done in those days ,  back in September 2017 .. ) ..

Gloskrutham Story "Ulta Pulta" .. 

"Jyothi Engineering Works" (JEW) is where Ksheri Rai works.. They promote their Hologram business in various ways .. Her engagement with her lover Bellram (who is working in Peace Engineering Corporation (PEC) ) is coming up soon .. 

PEC promotes path breaking advanced researches in many fields that their  Apex body of Strategic Planning identify .. 

PEC is going on a research programme for sometime in Social Engineering, collaborating with JEW and their Hologram buzz .. Bellram is the spear head of this research programme.. Ksheri Rai assists Bellram in this path breaking Social Engineering Programme as a JEW representative and  the International Agency UNESCO is funding the programme .. 

As the programme went forward Bellram falls in love with Ksheri Rai and wants to get married to her .. That got opposed by Gloskrutham Jayakrishnan who was one among the Chief honourary Advisors of this Programme citing a kind of inappropriate strategic thinking  with the project aims ..

But Bellram's hold with a few Society Supremos led to the ousting of Gloskrutham jk from PEC's advisory board and that paved the way for Bellram's Engagement with Ksheri Rai that is coming up .. 

The Engagement Ceremony was a great function.. Bellram and Ksheri Rai invited all from their respective companies except jk who was opposed to this idea ...

After the engagement the couple were doubly enthusiastic, pumped up and boosted  to prove themselves to the world with their Pathway breaking Social Engineering skills and they used the Hologram  technology of Jyothi Engineering Works  very well to try and motivate people to the path they charted out for them as a part of their Social Engineering Programme .. The plan seemed fool proof and all were overwhelmed to be a part of a Great Mission of all times for the welfare of the people that they thought right ..

When the project finally started to get underway with some trial and test runs in the overwhelming ecstacy Bellram and Ksheri Rai overlooked an aspect of Choice for people to adopt alternate paths other than just this path alone and the project did not get received well enough among the public .. 

Some Expert advisors to Unesco also pointed out some leakages in this programme with Rising Temperatures of Kali Age that can marr the complete effectiveness of the programme to something that  sound like a kind of Hollow thing without much Substance .. 

Unesco then changed the agency for Social Engineering programme from PEC  (Peace Engineering Corporation) to VALUE Engineering Works (VEW) .. 

Bellram lost his job in PEC for overlooking the point in Rising Temperature in Kali Age .. The marriage of Ksheri Rai and Bellram got postponed indefinitely .. 

Meantime VEW started engaging JEW in a different way with its Engineered VALUE Ed Programmes  using some good old basic guidelines put up by Unesco based on and in tune with the findings of their experts , from these incidents that they observed so far .. 

Gloskrutham Jayakrishnan who has done a seminar paper in Radiation Pyrometry once upon a time, also got appointed as a Main Advisor in Value Engineering Works (VEW) along with his CGQIP (Continuous Gloskrutham Quality Improvement Planning) measures..

Ksheri Rai with some reduced authority though, again got deputed to represent JEW in its programmes and assignments with VEW ..

Disappointed Bellram after having lost his Stand Up Spear head job at PEC like Dulqur Salman loosing the SI selection job in the Malayalam movie Vikramadityan decided to do some Homeworks further to improve upon his PR abilities further in his firm determination aiming at a kind of "Gajendra Moksham" episode in Bhagavatham to gain back his lost Self Respect before Ksheri Rai, Others and himself ..

😊✌🙏 ..


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